He never knows where to find the beauty of nature, without japhalam? It is not all plain tea gardens, Khasi village, drinking is the key japhalanye baraja! That division is the natural saundaryyare lilabhumi japhalanke.Beauty of nature japhalamaparupa lilabhumi sundaryera.With 55 kilometers of local roads in the eighties Jaflong was established. The scenic beauty of the country to spread japhalanyera.Piyam Jaflong kept at the bank of the river. One of the attractions of Jaflong 'Jaflong Zero Point'. In another corner, where one end of BGB patrol patrol biesaephaera. India is taking a bath in the river on one side Khasias piyam or fishes in the river, and on the other side of the same Bangladeshi tourists are entertained, is taking a bath. Just a border line in the middle.Better light in the shadow of the woman in the sand kanasari barnerasunali nanana rudera boat, blue, green, silver racial stones and sand particles down to those strengths water away from the eyes of standing, bowing neyaakase green hills, mountains, and is dropping the message jharnasitakale glide pleasure trips japhalam Spring is the perfect time to enjoy the moonlit mountains night should come.Bhramanapiyasidera japhalam to the different interested. Sylhet trip came as Jaflong nagele bhramanai is imperfect.Breathing bland environments gulp breezy feeling. Browse megharajira like cotton tops Khasi paharerasabujabha.Japhalam appeared again in another form in the winter. Carideke splendor of the Greens, on the top of hill forests in the remote forest. As a result of the winter and the rainy season is the perfect place for sightseeing japhalam. Japhalanyera glide the two rivers flowing. Japhalanyera different dimension to the beauty of the indigenous people living there.
How to go:::::
The distance covered in Dhaka 244 km.Sylhet's left in the Gabtoli and Sayedabad bus terminal. Sometimes Shamoli, Hanif transport significantly.Bangladesh Railway has 8 intercity trains. Kalani Express, pigeon Express, wilderness, Express, Express Joyontika. Tuesday and Wednesday are closed dove into the wilderness. 7 days a week to the other two.66 km from the city of Sylhet Jaflong Abasthitabasa away or CNG Or micro-hire can go here
How to stay::::
Sylhet is planning to stay in town. There are all quality hotelai.There are many of his madhyejela nalajuri rest house), Shreepur the picnic spot.Is there anything Boarding. Echarasripura of forest, there is a bungalow for tourists to stay.
How to go:::::
The distance covered in Dhaka 244 km.Sylhet's left in the Gabtoli and Sayedabad bus terminal. Sometimes Shamoli, Hanif transport significantly.Bangladesh Railway has 8 intercity trains. Kalani Express, pigeon Express, wilderness, Express, Express Joyontika. Tuesday and Wednesday are closed dove into the wilderness. 7 days a week to the other two.66 km from the city of Sylhet Jaflong Abasthitabasa away or CNG Or micro-hire can go here
How to stay::::
Sylhet is planning to stay in town. There are all quality hotelai.There are many of his madhyejela nalajuri rest house), Shreepur the picnic spot.Is there anything Boarding. Echarasripura of forest, there is a bungalow for tourists to stay.
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