Friday, June 12, 2015

Sagarakanya Kuyakataya

Blue water ripples on the beach is broken up into white foam.Lilabhumi sagarakanya kuyakata incomparable beauty. Communication in South Asia, where one beach can be seen at sunrise and sunset.The distance of 380 kilometers by road from Dhaka. The 18 km long beach is one of the invaluable resource! Kuakata beach is quite clean.Due to the geographic location of the beach at sunrise and sunset views can be enjoyed only. It put on an enticing view of the Eid holiday to visit a family or dear ones.There is a bit of communication to the west of the beach, located near the forest, `Fatrar cara sagaramohanara.There are 10 kilometers of secluded beaches on the east side of the communication cara `Gangamatir.There are beaches on the west side of rural communication in jail. Many fishermen live here. Kuakata beach at the east end of the canal Gangamatir.Communication of the sea to the west, crossing the river sbasamuliya forests of the Sundarbans, the name of his Fatrar forest. Kuakata well before the end of the ancient Buddhist temple.Communication about eight kilometers away from the beach community of small ethnic groups in the name of a village in Rakhine misripara.Kolaghemse Kuakata the sixties were developed on 200 acres narakelabagana, which is known as Raw and Raw Materials Limited.
How will you go::::
Kuyakata goes to the river and road communication in dhaka. The easiest mode of transportation is the launch from Dhaka Patuakhali, from the communication bus.MV dove from Dhaka to Patuakhali, MV beach, the Sundarbans, and launch the MV.Intercity Bus Terminal has bus service to the communication Kuakata. Sakura transportation from the bus station Gabtoli, speed, transportation, communication is surabhi bus.
Where to Stay::::
There are several quality hotels for tourists to stay kuyakataya. Youth Tourism Corporation, the communication is the best accommodation. In the Tourism Corporation of Tourism Holiday home in a hotel. Other good quality hotels are the hotels of the city Palace kuyakataya. 
Choose a place to enjoy the sunrise and sunset Views sagarakanya kuyakataya great opportunity.Winter season is the perfect time to travel.So you can go at this point.


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