Sunday, May 31, 2015

Bangladesh National Parliament

The Parliament buildings is recognized as the world's better architecture, which is a matter of pride for we.Like every state has a parliament build. Members of the Parliament elected in the legislation for the management of the state.Bangladesh Parliament  Mani k Mia Avenue on the north side of the square of shera bangla..Ayub Khan laid the foundation of the National Assembly bhavon in 1962 generated.National Assembly buildingss architect Louis I. Kahn-US citizen .197 crore spent on the construction of the parliament .Justice Abdus Sattar, President of the National Assembly was inaugurated on January 8, in 1982.The first session of the Parliament on February 15, in 1982.9-storey height of the Parliament bhavon, 158 feet 8 inches.Members of Parliament and 354 seats in the National Parliament . The seat 56 guests. Officials of 41 seats. At 80 seats in
Journalist.430 seats in the audience.
Doors 1 thousand 635,335 windows.340 toilets.,Lift 18.
A large open space of 208 acres of land on the eighth floor of the building built in a circle around the entire concrete dhalaiye artificial lake. Transparent water of the lake is the highest building in the mirror.The Parliament building next to the name of Lake Crescent Lake.Round Lake through the large open courtyard outside the parliament building. Dusk in the desert south of the hundreds of men and women are fascinated pace is a pleasant leisure space.
Have you ever visited the Parliament Building of Bangladesh? Share your experience here with us in  Coments.


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